Nov - 12 2018 | By

What do I wonder about? Well my mind never stops even when i’m sleeping. I think about how the animals  sleep in the day time. And I think about how the animals adapt to the great coldness. I wonder how they living in some of the extreme conditions keep them active and how bears sleep all winter.


  1. Mrs. Vazquez says:

    Hi Johnny!

    What an interesting thing to wonder about! I was wondering the same thing the other day. I left my house for work and I had to leave my dog outside. I was worried that she would get too cold, but then I thought about all that extra fur she has during the winter. According to utahumane.org, it says, “His coat will become thick enough to withstand even very cold temperatures provided his shelter is dry and wind tight. Dogs respond to cold by shivering and depressing their breathing.” My dog’s coat is quite thick, so I felt better about leaving her outside. It’s really not that cold here yet. Also, did you know that during hibernation animals heart rate and breathing slow down? This allows their body temperature to drop close to the temperature outside.
    Happy blogging!
    Mrs. Vazquez

  2. jhardcastle2021 says:

    Thank you I am glad that you care about your animal.

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